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New structures will help develop students and prepare them for service to their communities.
The inaugurations of the Study and Research Center and the new building of the Latin American Theological Seminary (SALT), at the Adventist College of Bahia (FABDA), on the morning of October 19, marked the moments before the beginning of I Will Go, a volunteer and mission event that will take place at the site until October 22.
The ceremonies were attended by Seventh-day Adventist education leaders from the region, South America, and around the world. Eliana Gonzaga, the mayor of the city of Cachoeira, where the college is located, also attended the celebration.
"Cachoeira experiences a moment of jubilation and gratitude for what FABDA has presented to our municipality, not only for the economic boost, but also for the relevant contribution it has made to urban growth, transforming the old Estrada Real do Gado into a center of academic excellence. Above all, shepherding souls to a life of faith and moral uprightness. Feel welcomed by all Cachoeiranos", declared the mayor about the inaugurations and the I Will Go event, which will receive about 5,000 people from 50 countries.
SALT in Bahia: 35 Years Marking Generations
In the photo, two generations of students from Fadba's theology course. Edvan, who is in the last period, and Pastor Emmanuel, student of the first class, from 1987. (Photo: Endrik Carvalho)
In 1987, the first students of the theology course of the newly created Instituto Adventista de Ensino do Nordeste (IAENE; today, FABDA) arrived in the region. They transferred from the Educandário Nordestino Adventista (ENA).
Emmanuel Guimarães was one of the students. A native of Minas Gerais, he came with his wife and two children to finish his last year of college at the Adventist Latin American Theological Seminary in Bahia. "It was a challenging time; they were different times. We still didn't have electricity here, so I studied with a gas lamp by my side; but it was the most exciting year of our lives. These are moments when we learn to trust God deeply. This here is a storehouse of blessings," he said, touched.
This year, Emmanuel completes 34 years of work as a pastor. Currently, he works as executive secretary at the Brazilian Central Union, the denomination's administrative headquarters for the state of São Paulo. He will retire next year and attend the inauguration of SALT's new building. "Returning to this place is special for me. Everything looks beautiful," he concluded.
After 35 years since the graduation of the first class, FABDA's SALT continues forming evangelists. Also a native of Minas Gerais, Edvan Matos is in the eighth period of the theology course and will have the opportunity to conclude the last moments of his graduation in the new building. "For the honor and glory of God, I am in my last semester with much gratitude in my heart, understanding that, in fact, He led me in the right way. I feel very happy; I already feel fulfilled. My faith has grown a lot in this place. Evangelism has always pulsated in my heart. I was already active in my local church, so this place only confirmed what I was already doing," he reinforced.
The new building of the Latin American Seminary of Theology (Salt), at Faculdade Adventista da Bahia (Fadba) , was inaugurated on October 19. (Photo: Endrik Carvalho)
SALT's new building has four classrooms, individual offices for the professors, an auditorium with the capacity to hold about 180 people, a room for the Theological Student Support Group (GATE), a room for the Women's Ministerial Association (AFAM), a prayer room, and a pantry.
Center for Study and Research
The Center for Studies and Research was inaugurated on October 19th. Its total area is 1,744 m2. (Photo: Naassom Azevedo)
The Study and Research Center is a structure with a total area of 1,744 square meters. The ample space has rooms, desks, computers, and the Pastor Doutor José Viana Library, with a collection of about 122,000 items, including books, periodicals, and other media.
Pastor Eber Liessi, general director of the campus, thanked the guests for their presence and emphasized the foundation of Adventist education. "Today we are celebrating some more advances for this school, and it is based on the Word of the Lord," he said.
Pastor André Dantas, president of the denomination for the states of Bahia and Sergipe, added that the Bible has a special place in every initiative of the Adventist Church and education. "Jesus is coming back, and we all need to continue through the Word," he said.
For Pastor Stanley Arco, president of the denomination for eight countries in South America, the college has four challenges: first, to encourage the spirituality of teachers; second, to prepare disciples; third, to call, every day, for the power of the Holy Spirit. "The fourth challenge is to prepare leaders who will participate in the great commission of Jesus' return and the completion of the work on this earth. May this place be a place of blessings and victories," he concluded.
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More photos of the openings
The original article was published on the South American Division Portuguese-language website.
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