Elden Ring may have not told us anything about possible future DLC at this point, but they are continuing to balance the game long after most players have beaten it, with a special focus on making PvP a long-term activity.
Today’s new patch, 1.07, has brought with it one significant change in that regard, the fact that PvP damage scaling is now split off from the main game, meaning weapons, skills and spells can now be balanced separately from PvE. For starters, here are the PvP only changes that were made now that the split is here:
That’s it in this section for now, but expect more PvP-only changes in the future now that this split has happened. As for everything else, these changes apply to the whole game. And there’s a lot:
Magic and Incantations – This is where things start to get really crazy, as this has to be the most spell buffs I’ve seen in a single patch since the game launched. Literally it’s 99% buffs. This should be game-changing.
Glintstone Pebble / Shard Spiral - Increased attack power
Lightning Spear / Flame Sling - Increased attack power when charged.
Rejection / Wrath of Gold / Black Flame - Increased stamina attack power against guarded enemies.
Crystal Burst / Triple Rings of Light - Increased casting speed.
Assassin's Approach / Law of Causality - Extended effect time.
Glintstone Icecrag / Freezing Mist / Frozen Armament - Increased frostbite status buildup.
Poison Mist / Poison Armament - Increased poison status buildup.
Glintstone Arc / Glintblade Phalanx / Carian Phalanx / Greatblade Phalanx / Magic Downpour / Loretta's Greatbow / Loretta's Mastery / Rennala's Full Moon / Ranni's Dark Moon / Ambush Shard / Night Shard / Unseen Blade / Roiling Magma / Rykard's Rancor / Darkness / Elden Stars / Lightning Strike / Lansseax's Glaive / Death Lightning / Giantsflame Take Thee / Bloodflame Talons / Unendurable Frenzy / Greyoll's Roar - Decreased FP consumption.
Glintstone Stars / Magma Shot / Bloodboon - Decreased FP consumption and increased attack power.
Aspects of the Crucible: Tail / Aspects of the Crucible: Horn / Ancient Dragons' Lightning Spear / Fortissax's Lightning Spear / Flame, Fall Upon Them - Decreased FP consumption and increased stamina attack power against guarded enemies.
Glintstone Cometshard / Comet / Cannon of Haima / Carian Greatsword - Decreased FP consumption, increased attack power and stamina attack power against guarded enemies.
Rancorcall / Ancient Death Rancor - Decreased FP consumption and extended the lifespan of all vengeful spirits.
Briars of Sin / Briars of Punishment - Decreased the FP consumption and increased the blood loss status buildup on enemies. Increased casting speed.
Gavel of Haima - Reduced FP and stamina consumption, increased stamina attack power against guards and the power of the hammer portion of the attack.
Shatter Earth - Reduced FP consumption, increased poise damage and stamina attack power against guards. Increased certain portions of the spell’s hitbox and shortened recovery time.
Rock Blaster - Reduced FP consumption, increased poise damage and stamina attack power against guards. Increased certain portions of the spell’s hitbox.
Starlight - Reduced FP consumption and extended the duration of effect.
Stars of Ruin - Reduced FP and stamina consumption. Increased power when charged.
Founding Rain of Stars - Reduced FP and stamina consumption. Shortened time before damage is dealt. Extended the range of the star rain.
Magic Glintblade - Increased poise damage, attack power, and stamina attack power against guarded enemies when charged.
Carian Piercer - Reduced FP consumption, increased attack power, and stamina attack power against guarded enemies. Shortened the recovery time.
Adula's Moonblade - Reduced FP consumption, and increased stamina attack power, and frostbite status buildup against guarded enemies with the sword's slash portion.
Gelmir's Fury - Reduced FP consumption and increased attack power. Increased casting speed and shortened recovery time. Adjusted the direction of the lava projectiles to make it easier to hit enemies located in front of the spell. Increased the damage dealt by the first part of the spell, and greatly increased the ability to stagger enemies.
Zamor Ice Storm - Increased attack power and frostbite status buildup. Increased casting speed and shortened recovery time.
Shattering Crystal - Reduced FP and stamina consumption. Increased poise damage and stamina attack power against guarding enemies. Increased power when charged. Increased casting speed.
Crystal Release - Reduced FP consumption, increased poise damage and stamina attack power against guarded enemies. Increased casting speed and shortened the recovery time. Increased attack range. Adjusted the poise increase timing during activation.
Oracle Bubbles - Can now be used while in motion. Streamlined attack range and increased attack power when charged. Extended the time it takes for the bubble to burst when not charged. Damage hitbox has been adjusted to be larger against players. Reduced the number of projectiles that can appear at the same time.
Great Oracular Bubble - Can now be used while in motion. Increased attack power. Increased tracking performance. Increased stamina attack power against guarded enemies.
Explosive Ghostflame - Increased attack power and stamina attack power against guarding enemies. Increased frostbite status buildup of the explosion. Range of the residual flame has been slightly increased, damage detection time has been reduced.
Tibia's Summons - Reduced FP consumption and increased attack power. Increased casting speed, reduced recovery time.
Discus of Light - Reduced FP and stamina consumption. Increased the range, speed, and duration of the halo. Increased casting speed.
Radagon's Rings of Light - Reduced FP consumption and recovery time.
Frozen Lightning Spear - Reduced FP consumption and increased the frostbite status buildup.
Flame of the Fell God - Reduced FP consumption, increased stamina attack power against guarded enemies. Increased attack power when charged. Shortened damage detection time of residual fire.
Whirl, O Flame! - Reduced FP consumption. Increased stamina attack power against guarding enemies. Increased ability to stagger enemies.
Burn, O Flame! - Reduced FP consumption. Shortened the time it takes for a flame pillar to be generated.
Scouring Black Flame - Increased stamina attack power against guarding enemies and increased poise damage when charged.
Noble Presence - Increased stamina consumption and increased stamina attack power against guarded enemies. Shortened recovery time.
Beast Claw - Increased the range of the shockwave.
Gurranq's Beast Claw - Added a hitbox to the first part of the spell. Increased attack power when charged.
Stone of Gurranq - Reduced stamina consumption. Increased attack power and stamina attack power against guarding enemies. Extended the impact area of projectiles.
Scarlet Aeonia - Reduced FP consumption. Increased attack power, poise damage and stamina attack power against guarding enemies. Landing attack range has been increased and its recovery time decreased. Adjusted the poise increase timing during activation.
Frenzied Burst - Increased poise damage and attack power when charged.
Howl of Shabriri - Extended the duration of the effect that increases attack power and lowers defensive power.
Inescapable Frenzy -Reduced FP and stamina consumption. Shortened recovery time. Increased grapple range.
Dragonclaw - Reduced FP consumption. Increased stamina attack power against guarding enemies. Improved directional control.
Dragonmaw - Reduced FP consumption. Increased stamina attack power against guarding enemies. The hitbox around dragon's neck area has been enlarged to make it easier to hit enemies at close range.
Black Blade - Reduced stamina consumption. Improved turning performance and shortened recovery time. The sword and the wave attack have been changed so that they hit at the same time. Attack power, stamina attack power and poise damage of each part have been decreased. Decreased the number of times the wave part hits large enemies.
Bestial Sling - Reduced the stone fragment scatter randomness. Increased stamina attack power against guarding enemies. Reduced between two hits and adjusted the detection so that two hits are always made at close range. Decreased poise damage.
A nerf! – Rotten Break/Ezyke’s Decay - Reduced Scarlet Rot status effect buildup.
This is already so long I can’t keep going with all the skills buffs, so check those out here in the original post, along with a few dozen bug fixes.
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